You can run, jog, stroll, or walk!
Join us for this family friendly event to support children in our community! A timed 5K is open to runners and walkers of any age with medals awarded by age group. The timed race will be followed by a FREE Kids Mini Fun Run with all participants receiving a finisher’s ribbon.
Register by 3/6/2024 to receive a Superhero Run tee shirt! Extra shirts will be available for sale at the race. Youth ages 5 and under will receive a free cape instead of a tee shirt.
Change a Child’s Story™
CASA of Venango County trains and provides quality volunteer advocates for children who are involved in juvenile court proceedings as a result of abuse and/or neglect. We're on a mission to ensure that every child lives in a safe, supportive, and permanent home.
Race registrations and donations benefit CASA of Venango County.