Let’s shamrock n’ roll! A merry day of running and St. Paddy’s Day cheer awaits. Join us for a brand new race coming to Monmouth County this March as we rock and run our way to the finish line.
All participants receive their very own leprechaun suit, plus a beer or soft drink after the race and a special live performance from Brian Kirk & the Jirks!
A portion of proceeds from the event will benefit Lunch Break, who recently opened a new center for its Family Promise program on Fort Monmouth. Lunch Break’s Family Promise of Monmouth County (LBFPMC) is a comprehensive case management program designed to support families experiencing homelessness as well as those at risk of experiencing homelessness.
After you cross the finish line, join us at Baseline Social or Birdsmouth Beer for some good old fashioned St. Patrick’s Day fun.
Shamrock N’ Roll 5K is created and organized by Beacon Events, the event management company behind other great races such as The Beer Run, Run The Hook, Asbury Park Santa Run, Skeleton Run & more.