MSH Run Club’s BEER MILE CHALLENGE is back just in time to kick off St. Patrick's Day weekend on Saturday, March 15 @ 11am.
You don’t want to miss this classic race challenge and enjoy bragging rights with your friends and assorted strangers.
For the low price of $10 registration you get the requisite 4 cans of Labatt Blue beer required to participate in the 1 MILE race loop around the block at Matthews Social House. Additionally, you will also have the option to purchase an event t-shirt during registration for an additional $15.
For those not yet initiated in this classic albeit insane little run challenge, you consume (chug really) a 12oz can of Labatt’s beer, hold said empty can over your head to prove consumption, then race a quarter mile (your mileage may vary if you stumble), return to starting line and repeat the process for a total of 4 beers and 1 Mile.
Can you chug & run?
Registration gets you a Race BIB and the 4 cans of Labatt beer.
The BIBS and entry will be confirmed on RACE day so arrive no later than 10:45am Saturday, 3/15 to get your BIB and ready yourself for the race.
The very cold beer will be dispensed at the start and at each quarter mile you complete by our specially trained Beer Mile Challenge professionals.