Experience the thrill of off-road racing at the Grand Prix - Cabaj Čápor event on October 12, 2024, in the picturesque location of Cabaj Čápor, in the Nitra district of Nitranský kraj. The event will kick off at pri penzióne Salaš Cabaj and will feature a variety of races including a 10.60 km cross-country run, a 3 km folk run, a fun and festive community race, as well as children's races of 1000m and 600m. After the races, enjoy delicious food and a relaxing atmosphere. Don't miss out on this thrilling day of running and fun in the beautiful surroundings of Cabaj Čápor! For more information, visit http://www.cabajcapor.sk/ or contact the Cabaj-Čápor municipal office.