Race FAQ:<p>Gravel Races in Croatan National Forest</p><p>Four Distance Options: 150 Miles, 100 Miles, 50 Miles, 20 Miles</p><p>Start/Finish at Carteret County Speedway, Two Nights Camping included with entry. (RV hookups limited and $100 for the weekend)</p><p>Black Swamp Aid Station at mile 25 fully stocked (no outside support, drop bags allowed)</p><p>This race is FLAT. If you have never ridden here, it is harder than you expect because you never get to coast.</p><p>Gravel conditions are looking to be at an all-time high (think WAY less potholes)… so this will be a FAST edition weather permitting.</p><p>Bike/Tire recommendation: Gravel/Cross/MTB course (Road Bikes possible if you can fit 30’s), Tires think volume for comfort and speed treads… very little flats concern.</p><p>NEW FOR 2024: Saturday 150 mile and 100 mile start separate. Sunday 50 mile and 20 mile start separate.</p><p>Why the two day format? We want the race experience to be more manageable by having approx 400 riders per day. The Sunday races will finish and be able to travel home still. The Saturday races can hang and spectate/volunteer Sunday if desired… and Vice Versa for Sunday riders.</p><p>Courses should be similar to 2023, but awaiting road availability schedule to finalize. 150/100 should be two laps, 50/20 will be one lap.</p>